Linda Grace Byers

My New Friend, Technology

Christian Inspiration

I am creative resourceful and whole…geez, I have had to say these words to myself repeatedly tonight as I tried some Balance coaching on MYSELF!  Technology scares me and my default is to ask for help almost immediately after I start fumbling around with my laptop (stupid thing), my iPad (idiot) or my email (blankety blank blank).  Yeah, and now, here I am, able to say YIPPY for me, because I have persevered and with very little assistance, I figured out all the darned stuff myself!  Growing up really is fun. Here’s the thing:  I didn’t believe I could make technology work for me, I thought of it as some kind of magic performed by the exceptional ones and I kept myself outside of the learned circle, much to my own determent.  I have screamed and hollered and threatened my devices repeatedly over the past few days when really, I was pretty mad at me.  I don’t want to constantly ask for help and yet, as my coach pointed out, that’s exactly what I needed to do. It was suggested to me that when I ask for help, to tell the husband or the boy (my exceptional ones) that there is some shame attached to my inadequacies with technology.  When I did this with my son, he showed compassion, and instead of doing it for me to get it out of the way, he patiently taught me how…what I learned is that he probably would have done this is the first place if I had expressed my real need, the need to know and feel able, in the first place. Today, when I asked him to DO something for me, he said no, I’ll show you how…that boy is smart.I m tired on what furniture from

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