Linda Grace Byers

Monsters University and Co-Active Coaching

Christian Inspiration

I watched the movie Monsters University last night, by myself. I couldn’t help but think and feel that the whole movie was a replay of what I experienced from beginning to end in CTI’s core curriculum coaching courses. I was delighted throughout because each of the characters reminded me of my fellow students and at times, myself, and as the story unfolded and the characters worked together for the common good, Co-Activity loomed large and beautifully on the screen. It’s like Co-Active coaches wrote the whole thing!  The main character, a single eyed green ball with arms and legs, held a vision for himself and in the end, was okay with who he actually was, and stopped trying to be something other than.  This was poignant and sweet. I sat throughout the movie, mesmerized by the co-activity and then, in one of the last lines, Mike, the main character, gets called coach…maybe I am seeing co-activity everywhere, or maybe it just needs to be everywhere, either way, I was delighted that Disney captured the essence of co-activity in such a playful and rich way.  I wanna be a scary life coach, boo!

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