Linda Grace Byers

Dog Bites

Christian Inspiration

I have been thinking about my dogs behavior lately and it has given me some cool insights into human behavior…WE ARE NOT ANIMALS, I STATE THIS EMPHATICALLY, but I I have to say that when a person, say, me, is threatened, I raise my voice, bare my teeth and snarl a little bit, or a whole lot,  depending on the circumstances.  Given the right, or should I say, wrong circumstances, I may even bite!  Yes, I know, I know, it is the age old fight or flight response, the response that diminishes brilliant human beings to wild, impulse driven animals, or so the theory goes. The fact that we are imbued with this unfathomable wiring as a built in defense mechanism is incredible to me and speaks to the brilliance of creation, but that is a whole other topic for another day.  Back to my dog now. My dog is a happy kinda guy, and every once in a while, I want him to do something he doesn’t want to do, and he warns me, with a slight grrrrr and a scary show of teeth, that he is not interested. If I persist, he growls and tries to stay nice by slightly nipping at me.  When I push the limits, his limits, he bites, I have a puncture wound on my middle finger to prove it!  His intention wasn’t to hurt me, but to protect himself…which leads me to me, and you, what and whom are you protecting yourself from?  If you find yourself snarling, teeth bared, ask yourself, what am I threatened by and do I really wanna bite?  Yeah, dogs are cool, people are cooler!

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