Socrates was quoted as saying “all I know is that I know nothing”, this I learned in a philosophy course while in university. Holy cow, this expression has been like a ghost thought, breezing through my consciousness each time I make an assumption, only to discover how very off track I am…all I know is that I know nothing, until, that is, I ask the right questions. The right questions don’t come from me, my agenda, my slant, my perspective, they come unbidden, they are a tentative whisper, woeing me away from ego and toward resonance with the human being(s) I have in front of me. The whisper is a sweet urging, other focused, intimately caring for the wellness of the client, friend, relative, co-worker…person. Coaching is a walking along side the other, not a dragging them along to where you want them to go. Coaching changes me everyday, and I am oh so grateful for it. Hire YOUR coach today, or become a coach, the world will feel brighter and more hopeful for you when you do!
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a