During a personal training session this morning, I noticed my young, rather fit client, had some muscle imbalances. A former athlete, the client had sustained some sports injuries and as a result, he had babied injured body parts and consequently, faulty movement patterns and overcompensation took over and have persisted unchecked ever since, despite physiotherapy and massage. Through postural ananylis, I was able to physically point to imbalances that he was unaware of, allowing for some mindful correction on his part. My point? Many eyes are on us, and sometimes we get the help we need from professionals, but there is nothing like knowing, being made aware of, what is faulty and needs realignment, whether body parts, a mind set, a perception, a mode of interacting with others and the world. Sometimes our bodies will alert us to a previous injury, and more often than not, we ignore the warning, carry on in our imbalanced and lopsided ways, only to find that the pain becomes more persistant, sometimes excruiating before we decide to do something about it. Fixing the “problem” isn’t the goal, knowing the root cause is helpful but not always necessary, knowing what you want, what you need, what you are willing to do to get there, that is most important, and a coach can help you “get there”
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a