Linda Grace Byers

Conscious incompetence

Christian Inspiration

It just so happens that whenever I try something new, I almost always believe that I will NEVER get to a level of proficiency.  In fitness, there is a learning curve, movement patterns have to be repeated in order to be incorporated into the body as a memory. My clients always say “you make that look so easy” when I demonstrate a move and the knowing trainer in me grins, because I have seen it a thousand times before, what is new becomes old and habit, and happens without conscious thought. In coaching, this is called unconscious competence. The novice is conscious of their incompetence. Somewhere in between there is the sweet spot, the trying, the learning, the growing that can be almost painfull. I wanna stay here, in the sweet spot for a while…savor the newness as I anticipate the glorious unfolding of what will soon become a welcome habit, coaching with unconscious competence.

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Linda Grace Byers

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