Linda Grace Byers

Big gratitude

Christian Inspiration

Today I woke up feeling insecure, that my skill set didn’t match my responsibilities. The loud voice in my head, the mean one that discourages me, tried to wrestle me to the ground and pin me there.  I know the voice, it catches me unawares and reeks havoc, until I catch it and pin it down, then it tries to squirm and convince me in other ways how incompetent I really am. In coaching, the voice is labelled the saboteur…I called it the damn bastard!  I had two amazing Personal Training clients this morning and a quick messaging chat with my fab new coach Szossy St Germaine, and with the company and energy of these three people, the damn bastard saboteur was slain.  Szossy asked me to tap into one of my “crew members”, my appreciator, and right now, I am, I appreciate all the amazing people I get to be myself with. The saboteur will rise again, but I am armed and dangerous, ready to cut him off at the tongue!  Forge on, find friends or family that will speak truth to your soul, hire a coach today!

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Linda Grace Byers

Sexual Sin

Sexual Sin and Perversion   After reading Dr, Neil Anderson’s book Released From Bondage; I have more understanding of the depths of the devils dirtiness.

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