In coaching, finding meaning in life is an underpinning. The coach listens, watches, feels what “it is” that the client values. As the coach mines for these values, the client feels heard, is free to express, and they too, begin to feel that what they value, has meaning. Sounds warm and fuzzy, and it certainly is and can be, but the sharing is purposeful. As it dawns on the client what “it is” they are longing for, there is a gripping, a hold on them, a moment where words turn into “I know what I have to do now”. With this grand moment comes the overwhelming urge to act. This is where “say what you mean, and mean what you say” is activated. Ahhhhhhhh, sigh of splendid relief, one more lovely person in the world going out, fulfilling their destiny, with clarity, vision and on purpose.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a