Linda Grace Byers

Healing Wounded Hearts

Life Coach

Heart Healer & Therapeutic Director

What to do, how to help, and where to turn, are the dire and sometimes desperate questions we ask ourselves when the darkness is closing in and we feel our strength reserves seeping away. Healing is the hope; healthy reconciled relating is the ultimate dreamy dared for goal.

Functional family harmony, with peaceful relationships in a safe and wholesome environment, is the desired effect for our coaching efforts. Parents teaching their children to become citizens of service in the world can be accomplished.

What do I do? I spiritually direct, I coach, I encourage, and I edify. I love people unto themselves and God, based on Biblical principles and the modelling of Jesus Christ as the ultimate and perfect Human/Man/God.

  • Harmony, wholesome restoration of family safety and sentiment, and children that become citizens of service in this world, as the ultimate reward
Linda Grace Byers Christian Coach Homepage Body Image Profile

Sometimes it’s difficult to take the first step and finally reach out to someone. Don’t worry; connecting with me is quick and simple. Just submit your email to the form below and sign up for my inspirational blogs. I personally respond to every registration to express my gratitude.

Coaching Services

Spiritual and Purpose-Oriented Coaching Sessions

Life Coaching & Motivation

Every now and then we all need some motivation and inspiration. Ask about my life coaching services by clicking learn more.

Experienced Coaching Help

You don't have to be lost to get some coaching assistance. We can meet just to chat, work on organization or accountability!
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Christian Coach

Sometimes scripture, spirituality and biblical topics can be hard to understand; especially when you're busy. I can help you navigate this crucial subject.

Spiritual, Scripture & Christian Advice

We're all spiritual beings by nature. Sometimes a religious passion can be ignited with a simple spark. Let's start with simple discussions and work on Christian values together.
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Functional Fitness

Fitness is essential for quality of life from youth to young adulthood and into our later years. You don't have to lift weights everyday and run miles. The little things count.

Fitness Is For Everybody

Don't be afraid to start fitness. I specialize in custom fitness regimens for any body, capability and experience. All it takes is a call to get started!
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Connect With Me

You can send me a quick email by clicking here or call me at 519-697-2873. Don’t ever be afraid to reach out and chat.


Free Sample Session

Let’s book a sample coaching session. Whether in person or over the phone, I’d love to talk about your situation and how I can help.


Book Your Session

Now we’re getting somewhere! Book your first session at my super affordable rate and we’ll get to work right away. The little things count.

Coaching Sessions

What Topics Can We Cover
In a Coaching Session?

Internal Conflict Resolution

What are you talking to yourself about and how does this impact your relationships? Do your thoughts confuse, convolute, or comfort and calm you? You are elevating or defeating in your thoughts. Self-talk impacts all of your relationships, including the one you have with yourself.

If self-defeating self-talk with accompanying relationship damaging behaviours describes you, this may be the starting point for our work together.

“But the words you speak come from the heart-that’s what defiles you” Matthew 15:18.
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Family Restoration Coaching

I’m not sure what came to mind for you when you read the topic heading above. Maybe family restoration feels hopeful/hopeless at the exact same time? Broken families and broken people abound and perhaps this describes some of the feelings you have about yourself?

If disconnected brokenness describes your family dynamic, this may be a starting point for our work together.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” Jeremiah 29:11-13.
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Resolved Relationships

Healthy relating is taught and learned via spiritual intelligence and the bi-product of excellent communication skills. All your interpersonal relationships will improve once you learn the art of intimacy in relating based on Biblical principles.

If you find you are fearful and or impeded in your sharing of thoughts and feelings, learning to relate may be the starting point for our work together.

“If you really fulfil the royal law according to the Scripture, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’ you are doing well” James 2:8
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Coaching Testimonials

Hear From My Beloved Coaching Clients

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Frequently Asked Questions


I set a timer for 55 minutes and when it goes off, we wrap up our session for the final 5 minutes. You can count on an hour per session.

Note: When I coach children, session length is usually shortened to between 30-40 minutes. Please do, enquire about my special rates for children between 9-14 years of age.

In the beginning, frequent sessions are highly beneficial. Every week for at least three will move you forward in significant ways. Frequency changes over time, to twice a month and eventually, once every three to four weeks. Note: You may have a crisis situation that requires some clearing and perhaps direction to course correct. You can book what might feel like an emergency session. Please do call or text and I will try to fit you in as soon as possible.

Some progressive companies will allow you to use your EAP to pay coaching fees. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case regarding most plans.

Note: You will, receive a receipt at the end of the year for coaching services rendered.

It really depends on the coach. I have reasonable rates by industry standards. Some coaches charge thousands of dollars for half hour sessions… I prefer to be available and affordable to more people: this said, here are my rates:

Periodic sessions: $125.00 an hour

Pre-paid package of ten sessions: $1000.00, for an hourly rate of $100.00.

Fees are none refundable. I take pride in providing exceptional service and when we agree to a coaching relationship, I commit to the work we plan on completing together.

Still Have Quesions?

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